Finnish hard rock band RIMBACHER releases their debut album “High Hopes On The Rocks”

PHOTO: Heikki Sulander

Finnish hard rock band Rimbacher releases their debut album “High Hopes On The Rocks” on November 1st via Inverse Records. The album presents classic AOR vibes, 80’s stadion rock sized attitude and also some hard straighforward rock and roll. The skillful band seasons their music with spices like powerful vocal harmonies, catchy melodies and classical art of guitar heroism.

Bass player Reisca Morani tells about the album:

“High Hopes On The Rocks is a very traditional classic rock album including tight brawl and lovesongs. The atmosphere revolves around big riffs and guitar heroism combined with very melodic and harmonic vocals. The lyrical themes are either timeless stories about the struggles of a sensitive narrator as well as having fun. The soundscape itself has very high energy and spirit throughout the whole album and the songs are delightfully diverse compared to each other. However the the core essence stays solid and the band’s enthusiasm is well heard.”

Guitar player Osku ”Sticky” Kilpi continues:

”This album is what we think rock ’n’ roll is all about: plain, simple and straightforward hard rock with all the ups and downs of a typical rock album. No politics, no exceptions, no bulls**t.”

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