The Swiss old school Heavy Metal band Crashtime release their debut album Valley of the Kings on August 14th. The album is a follow up to their demo EP in 2017.
Crashtime explains the intention of Valley of the Kings: “One album for fans of old school heavy metal. Nothing is ironed out smoothly, overproduced or trimmed to perfection. Here you only get exactly what makes an old heavy metal fan heartbeat faster. Simply a great Metal record with hits like ‘Mirror Maze’, ‘No pain no gain’, ‘Circle of Tyrants’, ‘Valley of the Kings’, the epic ‘Princess of Siberia’ (feat. Seraina Telli from Dead Venus, ex Burning Witches), the pirate song ‘Castaway’ or the cult song ‘CT Metal’. A great album that every true and old school metaler should like.”
Crashtime are fully committed to the old school tradition: “We will remain true to your genre in the future. The metal wheel is not supposed to be reinvented, but the flag of 80/90 Heavy Metal is held high.” They are proud to be part of the great Metal variety and that’s what the name Crashtime stands for.
In terms of lyrics, the album deals with contemporary, everyday and social topics to towards historical and mystical stories. The band released also a music video for the song Mirror Maze.

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