LRMA’s Articles of Association
March 19th, 2017, Riga.
1. Name and domicile of the organization and its field of operations
1.1. The organizations full name in Latvian is “Latvijas Rokmūzikas Asociācija”, translated to English – “Latvian Rock Music Association”(henceforth-association);
1.2. The association is established for an undefined period of time;
1.3. The association operates in the territory of Latvian Republic and internationally.
2. The association `s goal and objectives are:
2.1. LRMA is a public benefit organization whose goal is to create, maintain and popularize a long-lasting and internationally acclaimed cultural environment in Latvia while promoting Latvian rock music as an integral part of the local culture, encouraging Latvian rock music author, performer and band integration in the local and international music and entertainment business markets as well as forming a competitive industry whose main task is to create a quality export product with high added value (rock music).
2.2. The association `s objectives are:
2.2.1. To create a cultural environment that supports the long-lasting growth of Latvian rock music locally and abroad;
2.2.2. To help develop professional and competitive Latvian rock musicians and to cultivate their global recognition;
2.2.3. To inform the local society of Latvian rock music as a competitive part of the global music industry;
2.2.4. To raise awareness of available work and exposure opportunities outside of the country for Latvian rock musicians;
2.2.5. To encourage collaboration between foreign and Latvian rock musicians;
2.2.6. To inform and educate society that Latvian rock music is an integral part of the Latvian culture;
2.2.7. To nurture societies interest in rock music and to encourage participation in the Latvian rock music scene;
2.2.8. To help Latvian rock musicians create, formalize, publish, popularize and protect their intellectual property;
2.2.9. To represent Latvian rock musician interests in local institutions, business structures and international conferences;
2.2.10. To provide informative, social, legal and other help to Latvian rock musicians.
2.3. The association exercises the following means in reaching its objectives:
2.3.1. To organize, support and create a competitive industry with export potential that operates by creating, performing, supporting and popularizing rock music;
2.3.2. To organize concerts and other public events;
2.3.3. To form a support center, specialized media, informative and educational resources;
2.3.4. To inform the local society of the associations existence, goals and objectives;
2.3.5. To seek and join in work with others who care for the Latvian rock music scene and its development as well as those who care for the Latvian rock musicians, their future and success abroad;
2.3.6. To organize informative meetings, discussions, seminars, conferences, create polls and take part in other projects;
2.3.7. To encourage the participation of people in decision making that influences the Latvian culture, rock music and the Latvian society;
2.3.8. To organize and announce project tenders with the goal to offer an opportunity to receive co-financing for professional endeavours of rock musicians, bands and other promising artistic projects;
2.3.9. To attract financing from sponsors, national and local government institutions, European Union funds and other sources;
2.3.10. To foster the integration of the society in all its manifestations, to develop and carry out projects that help the integration of the society;
2.3.11. To develop and carry out educational and lifelong educational projects;
2.3.12. To develop and carry out cultural projects that establish rock music as an integral part of the Latvian culture;
2.3.13. To develop and carry out culture exchange projects with other respective foreign institutions, social organizations and others.
3. Members
3.1. Membership
3.1.1. The association can be joined by any individual, legal person or legal entity by submitting a written application and a short description of professional experience to the board of the association;
3.1.2. The admission of new members is decided by the board of the association;
3.1.3. The board must review the submission during the next board meeting but no longer then thirty days after all of the required documents have been submitted. If necessary the board may invite the applicant. The absence of the applicant does not influence the ability to review the application and to make a decision;
3.1.4. The board must inform the applicant in written form of its decision in seven days time once the decision has been made;
3.1.5. If the board denies the application, a new application may be submitted one year after the ruling has been made.
3.2. Membership withdrawal
3.2.1. A member can withdraw from the association at any time by submitting a written form to the association`s board.
3.3. Member exclusion
3.3.1. A member can be excluded from the association by the decision of the board if: A member has not payed the membership fee for 90 days; A member ignores or violates the rules set by the members assembly or the associations board; A member avoids his/her duties and obligations; A members actions harm the associations image and reputation; A member takes action that is in conflict with the associations goals and objectives or harms the process of achieving these goals and objectives;
3.3.2. The case of exclusion of a member has to be reviewed by the associations board during the next board meeting. The member may be invited to the meeting to give a statement in his/her defense. The absence of the member does not influence the ability to make a decision;
3.3.3. The board must inform the member of their decision in written form in five days time once the decision has been made.
4. Member rights and obligations
4.1. Members have the following rights:
4.1.1. To participate in governing of the association;
4.1.2. To participate in discussions and decision making;
4.1.3. To get acquainted with the rulings and warrants made by the institutions of the association;
4.1.4. To give suggestions, opinions and make proposals;
4.1.5. To participate in events organized by the association.
4.2. Members have the following obligations:
4.2.1. To abide to the associations articles of association;
4.2.2. To fulfill the rulings made by the board or the members assembly;
4.2.3. To regularly pay membership fees;
4.2.4. To actively support the association in reaching its goals;
4.2.5. To notify the association if one has joined a political party.
4.3. Obligations that differ from other members may be set if a member agrees to them. These obligations must be approved by member`s assembly or the associations board.
5. Associations administrative body
5.1. The associations administrative body is the board that consists of three members who are elected by the members assembly. They are elected for a period of three years. To be elected one must receive the simple majority of votes.
5.2. One if the board members is appointed head of the board who is responsible for organizing the workflow of the board.
5.3. The board has the right to make any decision that is not exclusive to the members assembly.
5.4. Members of the board have the right to represent the association each individually.
5.5. The board members fulfill their duties without remuneration.
6. Members assembly and decision-making.
6.1. The members assembly is the highest authority of the association.
6.2. Any member has the right to participate in the members assembly. A member can only participate in person and be present at the meeting.
6.3. A members assembly has to be convened at least once a year.
6.4. An emergency members assembly can be convened by the initiative of the board or by the written demand of at least a one tenth of the members and by stating the reason.
6.5. A written notice must be sent to each member at least two weeks in advance before the members assembly.
6.6. Members assembly is valid if more than a half of the members are present.
6.7. If the members assembly is not valid due to quorum then in three weeks time repeated members assembly is convened which is valid if at least two members are present.
6.8. A ruling is admitted if more then half of the present members have voted in favor. Any changes to the articles of association require a two thirds vote majority from the present members. The closure or renewal of the association requires a two thirds vote majority from he present members.
7. Auditor.
7.1. The auditor monitors the financial and economic activities of the association. The auditor is elected by the members assembly for a period of one year.
7.2. The auditor can not be a board member.
7.3. The auditor:
7.3.1. Does a revision of the associations financial assets and properties;
7.3.2. Gives an annual report and an audit opinion on the budget of the association;
7.3.3. Evaluates the work of the accounting and record management;
7.3.4. Gives proposals on how to improve on the associations financial and economic activities;
7.4. The auditor does a revision in the deadline set by the members assembly but no less often then once a year.
7.5. The members assembly approves the annual report only after receiving the auditors conclusion.
8. Membership fee
8.1. The membership fee is determined by the decision of the associations board.
8.2. Members are obligated to pay the membership fee once a month.
8.3. Members must be informed of the boards ruling for membership fees within seven days of the decision.
9. Associations funds and properties.
9.1. The association may own movable and immovable property, capital shares in companies, trade companies, liquid assets and any other property or property rights that are necessary in reaching the associations goals.
9.2. The associations funds are made up by membership fees, deductibles from donations made by individuals or legal persons and other donations, and any other income that is regulated by the Latvian Republic.
9.3. The associations funds are used to reach the associations goals and to operate, to hire employees, to create internal and special funds that are to be used to achieve the associations goals, and to cover any other expenses to ensure the operation of the association.
9.4. Those interested in receiving co-financing from the association for purposes mentioned in paragraph 2.3.7. in the articles of association can apply by submitting a project to a tender issued by the association. The tender rules are developed by the board and approved in the members assembly.