Israeli Technical Death Metal Heroes PREY FOR NOTHING have signed a deal with Wormholedeath for the reissue of “Kivshan”, their most conceptual and creative album yet.
The band formed in 2006 and released its debut album, “Violence Divine”, in 2008 through Rusty Cage Records. The album was very well received and set the band on course for the following years. By now, “Violence Divine” is almost unanimously hailed as a masterpiece. After its debut album, the band released 2 EPs and 2 more full-length studio albums, their fourth studio album, entitled “Kivshan” will be re-released on September 9th, 2022.
“Kivshan” represents a new, more progressed sound that is the immediate result of a band aiming for and reaching new creative heights while staying true to the band’s signature sound.
The album’s lyrics were written against the backdrop of an ongoing social crisis in Israel, in which the public is divided, torn, and systematically ignored by the government. Considering these circumstances, it’s not surprising that Kivshan (“furnace” in Hebrew) turned out to be a protest album that combines stories about the Israeli ethos while criticizing that ethos at the same time. From ancient biblical times up until the days of Zionism – the attempt to paint our historical myth in flattering colors is, simply put, doomed to fail. Those who will deem this self-hatred should realize that protest is meant to point out our flaws in order to try and correct them – definitely not to delegitimize them. Kivshan ends with “The Pinnacle”, an epic story in four separate parts that entails a deliberately distorted and darker version of the Jewish “Pardes” legend, in which four rabbis are led into an orchard (some sort of paradise), with only one of them (Rabbi Akiva) managing to leave unharmed. In PFN’s version of the tale, Rabbi Akiva is the madman of the story. “The Pinnacle” quadrilogy, as well as Kivshan as a complete album, shows a band at its creative peak, brewing a unique mix of H.P. Lovecraft & Maimonides, Metallica and At The Gates, and of the biblical period and the Jewish ethos, ultimately transporting it to the present day to expose its disintegration.
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