French Sexiest Rock Garage band The VillainZ have signed with Wormholedeath a licensing deal for their album “Sexy & Arrogant”, due for release on the 28th of January, 2022.
Two years after the release of the first EP, The VillainZ strike again, this time with a nice LP in due form. Things do not get better, since the bottle and the bat are replaced with blades and flames. Ouch ! As for the music, we’ve got ten in-your-face tracks with monstruous production. The originals confirm the identity of the band, with Jess’ vocals more bewitching and the line-up more solid than ever.

The VillainZ
This is what we are: sick motherfuckers
The VillainZ is founded in June 2016 by Jess and Nic K., sulphurous duo hooked on sex, booze and horror. No time to lose for the ambitious pair, the band records its first EP at Tiberi’s Freaky Dog Studio in Marseille (FR). Starting from April 2017, The VillainZ go up on stage and blast stoner-flavored punk rock riffage to an audience mesmerized by Jess’s hotpants. The engine runs after the signature at M&O Music, charged with international distribution of the self-titled debut EP. Music for villainous people…
Artistic vision
Do you like white? Do you like milk?
Do you like sex? Do you like violence?
The VillainZ are hot in every sense of the word: charring riffs, sweaty shows, and of course, the blazing looks of Jess K. But the brighter the fire, the darker the shadow, and The VillainZ’s dark side is not buried deep. Jess delights in providing more-than-explicit lyrics inspired by real-world horror stories, her own bleak fantasies and even the genitals of some handpicked friends.
The Villainz, EP
The four-track EP out since early 2017 does not beat around the bush. Look at this artwork. Look at it. A bottle of bourbon, a baseball bat, and a pair of legs to die for. What more do you need ?The single’s title, Fuck You, leaves no place to doubt: The VillainZ are for real, and if you can’t handle it, beat it. The rest channels the dark and sexual universe the band is already familiar with, with the demented Make love with Dr. Satan and the nefarious Dead Chord. And in case you didn’t understand the band’s favorite fuel, the last over-the-top punk banger spells it out for you: A.L.C.O.H.O.L. !
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