The Tech Death gods from ARCHSPIRE are now announcing that they will play their entire opus ‘Relentless Mutation’ in full during their upcoming European tour. The previous announced first European headliner tour kicks off at the end of the month and sees the Canadian tech death maniacs blasting through 21 cities at 350 bpm, supported by BENEATH THE MASSACRE, VULVODYINA and INFERI.
The band comment: “Tech the halls! Ho ho hope you’re ready for some extreme technical death metal, and santa is going to be stuffing your ear-stockings with an extra special gift this holiday season!!! We’ll be playing the entire ‘Relentless Mutation’ album on our upcoming tour TECH TREK EUROPE! We’re bringing our friends Beneath the Massacre, Vulvodynia and Inferi along with us, so don’t be a Grinch and come spend your holidays with us! Merry tech-mas!”

Welcome to first class technical death metal madness. Machinegun vocals rattle remorselessly over a furious flurry of arpeggios, scales, and everything else that the two string wizards of ARCHSPIRE can pick at break-finger speed out their guitars. If this sounds hardly human at the level of technical execution, the Gatling-style hyper-drumming pushing these monstrous compositions forward is adding to the alien impression. It cannot even be a question that the Canadians have outdone themselves with their third full-length, ‘Relentless Mutation’.
This album is simply insane in a most excellent way. The level of musicianship that ARCHSPIRE offer, will leave even tech death fans drooling. Yet the outfit from Vancouver in British Columbia is bringing an important extra to the table, the rare ability to write great songs. ‘Relentless Mutation’ is not just another compilation of outstanding musicianship, but the songs come with recognisable patterns that make sense in the greater conceptual framework of the album. And a clever use of contrasts leaves moments of clarity for the listener to take a breath and get ready for the next assault.
ARCHSPIRE exploded onto the scene in the year 2009 – after an earlier prelude under the moniker DEFENESTRATED. The band grew out of the rich Canadian scene for technical extremes that includes illustrious names such as GORGUTS or BEYOND CREATION. Yet ARCHSPIRE set out to take the sound to the next level from the start as their debut album ‘All Shall Align’ (2011) made clear, which immediately received critical comparison with the scene’s spearheads like OBSCURA.
The band developed a lyrical concept revolving around a dystopian science fiction universe, which was expanded on their sophomore full-length, ‘The Lucid Collective’ (2014) that witnessed ARCHSPIRE gaining widespread international recognition as one of the hottest names within the tech death community and beyond.
With ‘Relentless Mutation’, the Canadians are pushing the limits of their genre even further than before on all levels. ARCHSPIRE come crushing like a whirlwind to free ears and minds from pre-conceived notions about technical death metal. Time to leave your shelter and face the tempest. This is the future.
The cover of ‘Relentless Mutation’ has been painted by renowned artist Eliran Kantor already well-known in the metal world for his works for TESTAMENT, ATHEIST, and HATE ETERNAL among others.
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