Egypt’s Death Metal band “Scarab” unleash their new lyric video “Circles of Verminejya”. The song is taken from their third full length upcoming album titled Martyrs of the Storm. The album features a number of artists: Joe Haley (Psycroptic), Karl Sanders (Nile), Tarassenko Nikita (The Condratiction), Amducias Baal (Temple of Baal), Stephen Moss (Onsetcold), Achraf Loudiy (Aeternam) and Paul Nazarkardeh (De Profundis). The bass has been recorded with another De Profundis member, Arran Macsporran.
The release date for Martyrs of the Storm will be confirmed later.
Vocalist Sammy Sayed explains why so many artists are featured on the album: “We want to make a statement in the name of brotherhood and unity of metal WORLDWIDE. We want Martyrs of the Storm to be something beyond just us and our egos. Artists such as Joe Haley and Karl Sanders have influenced us a lot and it is great to have their spirit added to our work of art.“
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