Finnish Stoner Rock band Rückwater releases a second single “No More Air” from the upcoming “Bored Machine” album

PHOTO: Anu Plym

Finnish Tampere-based alternative stoner rock band Rückwater is set to release their second studio album Bored Machine on October 4th 2024. The second single “No More Air” is released today and it’s available on streaming services: 

“The second single from the upcoming “Bored Machine” album “No More Air” is about leaders who want power and admiration at any cost. Completely blinded by power and oblivious to the suffering of others, these human monsters continue their atrocities from their ivory towers. In a good case, however, these great “leaders” do not have happy endings. No Sir! They are shot at dawn and their bodies are desecrated in the streets.
As a composition, the song is Rückwater’s heaviest and slowest section, with influences from the metal side as well. Jesse Jukuri, who was in charge of the recording and mixing, has conjured up a skull-crushing and doomy ass atmosphere for this song together with the band.” 

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